
Image result for 2018 beach Most people seem to be all about the resolutions around this time of year, if you need visual just pop your head into a gym.  You don't have to even go or belong to that gym.   Two things will happen- 1) you will be amazed at the swarm of people in there and think "oh my I might be the only person who is not at this gym"  and 2) some perky athletic fashion wearing fit person will approach with the "something, something Special January join" pitch. 

I have nothing against taking stock about a year, setting aspirations for the upcoming one but resolutions have "re" in front which usually is used with words that are "re"petitive actions.  So basically you may have same resolutions next year, and the year after.. you get it.  Not judging - maybe at some point you will get to them or maybe you won't care anymore.

I just have some trouble with the whole, must be the Puritan deprivation underlying vibe no matter what actual nationality you are, that strikes the US.  My friends in Europe don't seem to talk about these resolutions, maybe they make them, keep them silent or maybe they just don't see a need for this kind of self-restrictive force.

Most resolutions are about giving up - giving up whole food groups (depends on the year sugar is evil, fat is evil, the combo is basically Rosemary's baby eating a gluten full snack), giving up hours of your life to the gym, giving up alcohol entirely.  I gave up just writing this.

Some resolutions are about new experiences but they tend to fall behind the giving up items.

Why ??  Why not start the new year with pluses??

I for one do not need one more deadline to drive me crazy - I have the kids' sports schedules, their school reminders, my work goals all based on something that end with the word FAIL if I do not complete them.  Now they are not monumental fails but nonetheless - FAILS.

If you want to go to the gym more approach it with realism - do you want to tone, to shape, to resettle those pounds into more muscle?  So put on your list - TIME FOR ME at the gym. Go to the gym means nothing - you need to know what you want out of it and how you can incorporate into whatever lifestyle you CHOOSE to be leading.

If you want to - or if a doctor has advised - to fit into a smaller size (not become a smaller sized person ) or just fit better into the clothes  you have - whole food groups are not the enemy.  At some point the food group most likely will be back in your life, and oh the guilt.  We do not need more guilt.  You can eat that thing you want to cut out (banning actual allergies), just think about how much of it you want to eat - still want the pint of Hagen Dazs? - maybe think about how often you will work toward that pint because if the answer is every night then yes you need to reconsider.   Put on your list - TIME FOR ME to enjoy the flavors of my food, to savor being able to sit down and eat, to enjoy it. 

Other resolutions usually involve financial spending, life is not only about what you need but also what you want.   What you want is what makes it more than life it makes it living so spend but if it is beyond your means or it is going to compromise your ability to take care of future needs then how much do you want it ? Will that worry be worth it?  Put on your list - TIME FOR ME to buy things that give me joy but will not rob me of my future happiness.

If you still prefer the resolution method then go for it - on your list should always be TIME FOR ME.

We should all aim for the best we can be for ourselves and surround ourselves with those that support us in this endeavor.

HAPPY NEW YEAR - oh and of course one resolution I would like to see on everyone's list is TIME FOR ME to read BlondebyChoice.


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