I am thankful for

My good friend who owns a wonderful online site, Hampton Paper Designs, that makes just gorgeous stationery has these great cards that say "I am Thankful for".  The idea is each person at the dinner table can write down what they are grateful for and then we can share during dinner.  Did it last year and loved it.   Doing it again this year.  Her name always goes on my what I am thankful for list  - she is a really good friend with a great sense of humor and "distance" is not an issue ever to our friendship.

Oddly enough I do not, unlike the vast majority, love Thanksgiving for the food but it is my favorite holiday.  I mean if I was to be honest I love all holidays but Thanksgiving is always #1.  How could it not be - it's not too cold outside, the leaves around here are gorgeous still, there is no big list of gifts that I somehow try and fill in like a week every year and there is time to just reflect on all the good stuff we all have to be grateful for.

It is so easy to feel we have nothing to be thankful for - from the big things, Ebola, fanaticism, racism, anti-too many things to countism, global warming, corruption and there is always the never ending cycle of news that shows us how our fellow human beings can kill and torture even those things most of us find precious - their children, their pets, the people they chose to partner with.  That is the media and happy flying unicorn stories are just not what sells - well if there was an actual unicorn sighting it would but let's face it we are pretty much stuck with death and disaster.

I look at those things and then look at my sons and refuse to not be thankful.  They are here and from what I see of them and their friends the world is doing alright.  I am thankful to see the next generation and how they interact with one another and while there are those who are creating the next generation of the Klan there is much vaster number out there creating the next generation of acceptance.  I am thankful to know that while previous generations, and mine especially with the Aqua Net (sorry kids), may have damaged the environment they are that much more cognizant of the precious commodity it is and treat it with reverence.  There is much to be grateful for in the children from the laughter they share which makes me smile just when I hear it.  There is their never ending sense of awe and discovery that unleashes my own never dying love of learning.

I am thankful for my friends - the longtime ones who have been there through everything from my crazy sense of humor to my Hallmark commercial crying and everything in between  - they have seen it all and still love me.  I am glad for the friends I have made as a mother and who share a deep love of children and the future with me.  Thank you especially to Michele for being my Big Love Sister wife and traveling partner in crime, Dori for Sunday dinners and coparenting, Elli and Julie for being my besties forever (don't start Elli 2.6 years for you is like dog years 26 for the rest of us and more).

I am thankful for my Mom because even when she tells it like it is and I do not like it she remembers to tell it again with a smiley emoticon, she loves them and I love that in her 70s she refuses to not try new things.

I am thankful for music, wine, food, writing and social media.  I am thankful that I am old enough that I know how to manage social medial after much wine and music.

So this week Happy Thanksgiving and thank you to all those who read this blog, over 12,000 now and from places like Mongolia, Venezuela, Sweden, Pakistan, China, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Romania, Spain, France, UK, Ireland, Switzerland, UAE, Israel and a host of others ... we share a common thread of loving life, struggling to be the best parents and people and most of all a need to be connected because our differences make us more interesting to one another just like our likeness reminds us that we are really one small world.

On my I am Thankful For Card ... I think I will write 1) my family 2) my friends 3) the life I have had and the much still left to come ... cheers


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