Been a long time..been a long time. been a lonely, lonely long time

Image result for led zeppelin zoso   Is there an appropriate salutation in written blog form?  HELLO !!!!!

It has been a long time since my last blog.  I ticked off the excuses that I could use but in the end if you cannot be honest in your own blog it may mean you have an issue that has nothing to do with said blog. 

The blog has a new look as you may have noticed.  Well if you hadn't now you will.  So hopefully you, boy do I feel all Victorian novel writer here, dear reader are willing to come back and read this again.  

Along with the look of the blog I also have to change the frequency,  instead of weekly it will be twice a month. Still on Tuesdays.  In case you any of you wondered why Tuesdays, there had to be at least one of you reading this that did, it is because I see it as Monday most people are rolling their eyes as they have to roll out of bed for work.  To those who do not work Monday may be but a name on this page.  Wednesday has hump day, commercials, half way there - it is all about Wednesday as a day outside of the weekend.  I was born on a Wednesday, and am an only child, double whammy as it means it is totally all about me (managed to add that in a paragraph about days of the week).  Thursday is the pre-weekend day.  Friday even has an acronym TGIF, it has religions celebrations, it is the start of the weeekkkkennd.   Saturday may be most people's favorites.  Sunday, back to some religions, or last day to cram in whatever it is you need to before Monday.   

See Tuesday has nothing - so now it has my blog.  

It would be easy for me to write about the angst and torment I am feeling about the state of the world and particularly the States.  Yet you all are here either to get away from the news, to see if I have an opinion that could validate your own or one that you can yell at me for and mostly you probably are here because you know me.   Therefore, you would read nothing you haven't already heard me say. 

So what is the blog about .. what it started out as about.  Life.  Life as a mom, as a woman who is both an immigrant and a citizen of a country.  Life as a woman who is aging, who struggles with what some call first world problems but to me they are just the problems I have and hear others do too.  I do not have edicts or "boy do I know how to do this better".  "They" do that enough for us.

I chose the title of this blog from a lyric of a Led Zeppelin song.  I loved that band - I mean loved.  I had the biggest crush on Robert Plant, still would love to hang with him.   He was everything that made my stomach flip and my bits and bobs tingle.  The voice, the rock star attitude, the hair (swoon, sigh), the Brit accent when he spoke and the music .. just covered everything in music.   I had dreams of he and I and he would sing "All of my Love" to me .. oh to be young and pining away.  Then one day, when I was about 18, who should I see across 2nd Avenue on the other side of the street???  Yes.

Oh Robert..I feel the smile creep on my face as I write this.   I ran across 2nd Avenue.  Now if you do not know what this means let me help you.   Imagine any NYC based movie you see, imagine a driving scene.  You know the kind with horns blaring and that looks like all the cars are out to get each other and pedestrians play a Hunger Games style tactic to get across when they have the right of way, when perhaps they do it as jay walking.  Well that is what it was.  I saw nothing, I heard nothing, not the beeps, not the telling me where to go in vivid terms.  No I did not feel the whoosh of cars as I ran across the traffic coming at me.  I was a girl who was going to run across the street, to Robert, and cars be damned. 

I ran to him, out of breath, as he watched my ballet through the yellow cabs of the city.  It's my memory go with it.  I stood before him, the chords of "Tangerine" in my head and I said "Do you know who you are?""  - I know SOOOO smooth. 

He smiled, looked at the 2nd avenue traffic, looked at his daughter next to him, who had a look that was a mix of puzzled and frightened,and at me and said "I do" leaned in, my lips were ready to pucker up, to have our moment like in the movies.  I had risked life and limb after all.  

This was it .. just like I knew.. I was going to be with .... screech, halt, breaks being pressed sound.."Do you know who you are?".  Crash into reality.  

I chuckled, broken hearted, suddenly really aware of my eyeliner that was more Robert from the Cure than Plant (envision large black circles if you do not get the reference)n running down what was probably a red face. "Yes I do and I totally loved you with Zeppelin and your new song is kind of ok too".  There.  OH MY GOD .. did I just say that??

He laughed, like a real laugh.  "Thanks must get on".  No not get it on, but that's probably what I heard.  The Honeydrippers song walked away with him.. no coming away to no sea of love for me.  

I still love most Led Zep, my version of the Zoso sign still easily drawn though the denim binder is long gone.  Both Robert and I are no longer young, him especially.  I like his newer stuff and I have come to really like "Sea of Love".  He will always be the one.  Most other celebrities that I have fancied have had some bit of him in it, the blonde hair, the nice eyes, the something naughty about them look.  

So welcome back to the blog .. hope you can think of your own special moment that was amazing, embarrassing (maybe) but now makes for a good story and a smile inducing memory.   That's what this blog is - sharing, connecting and a reminder that we are so much more alike than different and our differences are good because otherwise the Song would Always Remain the Same and how boring would that be?!!!

See you in two weeks. 


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