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Take the picture … does not matter if the kids eye roll.. take the picture.    When my oldest of two sons went to college I knew it would be an emotional rollercoaster.   How could it not be? My first baby was no longer going to be home, our entire relationship would change.  His presence in the house with the love and wonder he added to it, with his sense of humor and sharing (what he wanted to) of moments in his life would no longer just be there for the listening.  So as I planned, packed and shopped for his first year away at college I cried, I thought of so many small moments that had been part of the journey.  Though he is the actor in the family, I was a bit of a great performer myself, I was cheerful, supportive, encouraging and did drop off with a smile and loads of hugs.  I got in the car and bawled the whole way home.  I found myself looking for him, in his room, knowing he would not be there.  Since he is only an hour away, in Manhattan - where I work, we found a new chapte

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